Support the project
The documentary Seeds for the Future came to life from a spontaneous initiative of
Susana, Waldorf parent and business project manager, who is very enthusiastic about the ideas of Rudolf
Steiner. Filippo (videomaker and keen folllower of
Rudolf Steiner’s work) and Gabriele (Waldorf parent and technical
assistant at Ticino TV, RSI) soon supported the idea and joined the team with
solid technical skills.
With the goal of producing a short documentary
about Rudolf Steiner and the fruits of his ideas, the first minimal funds were
collected at local institutions related to Rudolf Steiner. The funds collected
in this first phase (both institutional and private) allowed the team to feel
confident enough to start the shooting and interviewing process. All the
institutes in Ticino contacted for shooting and interviews were also accommodating and very supportive of the project.
The original idea was to create a 20-minute documentary, but the footage and interview material we have gathered is abundant and worthy of a 45-50 minute documentary.
From the very beginning, all members of the production team (and the consultants who are collaborating with us to assure the quality of the contents) are working on a volontary or semi-volontary basis.
This fact has allowed us to be able to produce a documentary
at a cost 3 to 4 times lower
than that of a "market price documentary" of the same length and quality, but has required an immense amount of time and efforts for us all.
the great quality of the footage and of the content
of all the interviews conducted (more than 45), we believed that it was worth it to produce a longer film with regards to the original idea of a short 20/25 minute documentary. A shorter duration
would mean sacrificing a lot of material worth to be seen and not be able to go into detail on any of the subjects. That is to say: the material we have and the importance of these themes deserved a longer documentary!
A documentary of only 20-25 minutes would risk
being to a great extent a repetition of other
documentaries that have already been created
about Waldorf education. By increasing its length we
would have the opportunity to create something that is
innovative and profound and is able to cross borders and reach a larger audience
with deeper insights.
The film has a total duration of 70 minutes. In case of interest, shorter versions may be created for markets outside Ticino.
YOU CAN STILL SUPPORT THE PROJECT WITH FUNDS OR WITH YOUR TALENTS, thus contributing to enriching the film and making it available to a wider audience!
If you have TALENTS or SKILLS in cinema production, distribution, translations, film graphics, or fund raising and want to help the project on a volontary basis, do CONTACT US!
Support us with monetary funds
Although the last funding campaign has ended, WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING DONATIONS. With more funding we will be able to translate the documentary not only into English and German but also into other languages and to make the film available to more people.
"Se in qualche modo non si donasse, il processo economico non potrebbe svolgersi.
Si pensi soltanto a cosa avverrebbe dei bambini!
Noi doniamo di continuo ai bambini; e se osserviamo il processo economico integralmente ed in continuo movimento, vi troviamo il fattore del donare."
(R. Steiner, I capisaldi dell'economia, VI conferenza)
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
6500 Bellinzona
Clearing 8252
IBAN CH47 0825 2021 3941
C000 C
Subject: “Donation documentary”
Note: please write to if you wish to receive a receipt for fiscal purposes.
2. In CASH:
can also be made in cash in a closed envelope
and delivered to the front desk at one of the Rudolf Steiner schools in Ticino.
Subject: "Donation documentary Seeds for the Future".
Note: If possible please also send also an email to